An one-handed man carrying a basket full of water,
A blind-y-dumb coward coward in the soldiers quarters.
A dwarf cannonic giant climbing the mountain,
A-day littlun fetching from the fountain.
A faithful politician leading by examples,
A notorious terrorists erasing his samples.
A faithful pope bethrot'd to is seven wives,
A sentimentally raw hermit wherein corruption thrives.
Talking trees and howling ridges,
Skiing cows and fighting berries.
Clean,neat,raw,pleasant,bewitching blacks,
Singing,merrying,elated,straightened arcs;
These all will be in the end time,
All absurdities in their prime.
Let's consider it from this perspective,a Guy bethroted to a fellow Guy and a girl bethroted to a girl. Even animals have more sense than human 'cos you'll never see them doing such.
Let's be different from them : 'STAND FOR THE TRUTH EVEN IF YOU THE ONLY ONE STANDING'...