Singing through all lines,
In the dale and vine,
Hopping my glottis around,
Straining it to in joy abound.
Walking all miles,
Miles moistured and tiled,
Forcing undaunted gaze,
On the Angelic phase.
In such a strenuous search,
Curiosity did me lash,
Scolding my initiatives,
Urging me to be creative.
What I've I return'd with?
Gold...? Or an adventure wits:
So, do humans keep hunting,
For a thing that's equal to nothing.
Form: Quatrain
Content: The poet uses an illustration to depict his intentions: For all the things human crave for are vanities-the end product. Let's seek little and leave the junks-remaining.. Let see the all-Christ- and all is well. Ajosh cares