Reader-Response Critical Approach Towards Analysing William Blake's "A Poison Tree "

Reader-Response Critical Approach To Analysing William Blake’s “A Poison Tree”.
By: Adeyemi Joshua.

              In my own view, William Blake’s “A Poison Tree” is an allegorical piece, painting a particular picture that contains another impression or concept, though related to it.
       The title of the poem alone already possess a power of commanding and arresting attention. The image of a particular tree that is poisonous is presented by William Blake. Perhaps, no one knows what inspired to chose that title as what befit the piece, but prior to this literary theory I.e “Reader-Response Critical Theory “, laying emphasis on this  is of no use because the reflection of the reader on the piece is to be noted and highly revered.
         Let The Analysis Begin: Starting from the title, “A Poison Tree”, there is a precise impression I gives me: an evil tree that bears fruits that contains venomous poison or harm. What makes the tree poisonous is not known until the exploration of the poem. Perhaps, it was infected by some unknown venus and Mars or witches or any supernatural force. But what is glaring is that it is “A Poison Tree”.
          The ability of Blake to draw the picture of the tree at the title and maintain its attributes and growing throughout the lines of the poem as well as painting it to the last line is appraised.
           Is this poison tree truly a tree or a symbolic representation  of a veiled phenomenon or object?
          This is the question that unveils to me that the poem is allegorical and is used to represent the poet himself or using himself as a mirror (reflection) of the persons that lived back then in his age or even as a search-light pointed deep down to lit our own generation.
         With this  analysis,  I would be asking couples of question which shall be the basis of the literary criticism of “A Poison Tree” by William Blake at the level of “ Reader-Response Critical Theory “.
         Before my question, I write out the first stanza with an eye of analysis:
                              “ I was angry with my friend:
                                 I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
                                 I was angry with my foe:
                                 I told it not, my wrath did grow… “
             A question seems to be answered by the first line of the poem. What  made the poison tree poisonous is anger but how affective is the anger on the second person whom he professed to be his enemy than on his friend?.
            And now, my question begins: What makes your enemy a foe to you and your friend, a friend to you? Don’t you know that “your best friend is someone’s enemy and your enemy someone’s best friend”.
           Blake was angry with his friend, because he  was his professed friend, he told hin (perhaps, the friend begged him) and that was the end. But when his enemy offends him, he wouldn’t tell him. Why?. Isn’t the enemy a human he can relate his matter to too? And because he wouldn’t tell him, the Iota of wickedness fertilizes the anger and then germination thrives.
    It continues:
                                         “….. And I watered it in fears
                                           Night and morning with my tears,
                                           And I sunned it with smiles
                                           And soft deceitful wiles… “
           Any tree planted needs exposure to sun and rain to continue growing. Blake’s tree also needs these which he truly had. There is down pour of fears on the anger (the tree) and heat of smiles relentlessly, as seen in…
                                           “Night and Morning……. “  Line 6
          But Blake would not stop there despite the commuting of summer and winter, autumn and spring, but would continue investing the worst asset to cause bankrupt of life of the professed enemy.
          Line 9 – 12, describes the progression of the germination till the fruit of mischief is begotten by the already poisonous tree that accurately will bear a poisonous fruit. Blake takes delight in the use of parabolic illustrations in the coining of the lines and in his link of thoughts.
         There is an irony that line 10 tosses to me:
                                         “Till it bore an APPLE BRIGHT…. “
          Really?  An apple bright with a venom inside? A job offer in Blake’s company for the  man to drive on death’s highway or work in the section of “cut” and “lift” ? Sure,  the foe knows the apple is Blake’s but since he wouldn’t give him willingly, he(the foe)  has to:
                                        “And into my garden stole
                                         When the night had veiled the pole:
                                         In the morning glad I see
                                         My foe outstretched beneath the tree… “
             The foe has to steal into the  company (garden) to make ends meet for  him and his family. But by conspiring , Blake orders his execution, and by the daylight, he is happy seeing his company responsible for the death of his long-hunt-foe. It is a severe death that avails the foe an horrific death, for he’s…… Outstretched…
             Blake had said his, but is he truly the poison tree?
             Of a truth, you are the poison tree, I am the poison tree, every mortal is the poison tree because we all possess an Iota of wickedness in us. We tend to  choose some people as our friends and relegate some as our enemies. What  makes your enemy a demon  and your friend an Angel?
            Answer me this, would you tell me that your friend has never done you evil greater than the one done by your enemy? And your enemy has never serve you a cake of good before?
           Why do you complain to your friend and make reconciliation?  Can’t you do same to your enemy?
           Do you know the number of people you’ve fed with your fruit : seeing them hop into the potholes you’re dodging. Seeing them work where you know is evil because he stepped out of his bound crushing your so called nerves.
          Blake with “A Poison Tree “ has portrayed to us what you do and the outcome. Don’t forget that  the poison tree is not cut down  after the foe has eaten thereof. Who knows who’ll fall culprit next? 
          Being free with everyone will save you of many stresses in life. This what  William Blake’s “A Poison Tree “ infers to me. But don’t forget that:
          “Your best friend is someone’s enemy and your enemy someone’s best friend “.


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