Let my winter be summer,
Let the range be hummer.
Let the sea traverse the earth,
Let life alone swallow death.
Let the weak be strong,
Let all rights be wrong.
Let all sadness be joy,
And all hatredness by love coil.
Let not life be choked by hope,
Let all timid be tied by bandage's rope.
Let all no be yes,
Let all put on righteousness' vest.
Let Ocean mingles with fire,
Let all heart be burnt by desire.
Let lion bethrot to the lamb,
Let all being,mountain of unity climb.
Let all suck Luxury's breast,
For all these are my requests.
Form: Heroic couplet
Content: The poet stresses on change of all bad to good,all unpleasant to pleasant. He makes his request,but he was not specific on whom the request is directed to. But the arising question is,can his request be granted? Because life is bound by evil and good.