'Singing through all magnanimity of God
All will say: "The earth is the Lord's"
Land, ridges, human, reptiles,inanimates,
Mercury,venus, Jupiter,and all vast spaces.

The Lord's breath erected them all.
Waving might and withholding sigh prevents them from falling.
Exclusion of none is ascribe to him,
Next to existence,"It's fullness..." exist by him.
Time and space,witches and sorcerers,
Yuletide and Winter,Summer and Spring: He's Maker.

"For he had planted it upon the sea": the all.
Ocean falls and rises without disturbing the earth of eyes hunting.
Universe and her content trembles at his sight.
Rest of all: Giants,beats,peaks,Lions,Boa hides for fright. 😱 😱 😱

Form: Ajosh Sonnet

Content: The poet acknowledges the magnanimous acts of God with regards to his creations.  Learn to praise God and doors will fling open perceiving your glottis product...


Anonymous said…
A good piece

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